Bloom-Vernon Local
American Rescue Plan (ARP ESSER) Continuity of Services

General Statement on Return to School
The American Rescue Plan (ARP ESSER) Funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students. It is the intention of the Bloom-Vernon Local School DIstrict (049593) to return to full in-person learning, for all students in grades Preschool through twelfth grade at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. The use of funds must fall under one of the authorized uses for the ARP ESSER funds.
Section One: Description of Mitigation Strategies:
Strategy | Description |
Universal and Correct Wearing of Masks | Bloom-Vernon Local will follow the current CDC, Ohio Department Health (ODH), and the Scioto County Health Department (SCHD) guidance as it is updated for masking requirements, for both students and staff. |
Physical Distancing | All efforts will be made to practice social distancing for students and staff. The most current guidance from CDC, ODH and SCHD for distancing will be followed. Future plans include preparation for physical distancing opportunities in high risk areas by adding additional square footage for these spaces. ARP ESSER funds will be used for such an increase of space. |
Handwashing & Respiratory Etiquette | Students and staff will be encouraged to wash or sanitize hands on a frequent basis. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and common areas. Staff members will model and instruct students on proper respiratory etiquette in an effort to mitigate the spread of disease. |
Cleaning/Sanitizing of Facilities | Enhanced cleaning protocols will be in place at all times. Sanitizing wipes, disinfectant, and gloves will be stocked in each classroom. Custodial staff will enhance their cleaning of touchpoints both during the school day and after school hours, and will use handheld spraying machines to sanitize office areas, common areas, and buses on a regular basis. District vehicles will be sanitized and disinfected on a regular basis as well. |
Ventilation Improvements | Bloom-Vernon Local has made upgrades to the heating and cooling systems that are at or exceed the suggested level of air quality and allows for quick adjustments in the amount of outside air pulled into our buildings. The district is looking into ways to further exceed the acceptable levels of air quality. |
Contact Tracing, Isolation, & Quarantine Procedures | Bloom-Vernon will work with Scioto Health Department to follow all protocols for quarantines, contact tracing, isolation, and other related procedures. Orders will be issued by the school superintendent, as directed by the local health commissioner. Quarantine and isolation lengths will be determined by the most recent CDC and Scioto County Health Department guidance. |
Diagnostic & Screening Testing For COVID | At-home COVID rapid tests may be available, as supplied by the ODH, for students or staff members who requested them. However, no students or staff members will have tests administered by school staff. All test kits provided for the district will be housed in the nurse's office in each school. |
Vaccination Efforts | During 2020-2021 school year, all staff of the district who chose to receive the COVID vaccine were given the opportunity to do so. Staff and students who are not vaccinated, but eligible for the vaccine, will be encouraged to get the vaccine, if they choose to do so. The school district will partner with our local health department to provide opportunities for student vaccinations and boosters as they become available, and as students and their families choose to receive them. |
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities | Students with disabilities will receive accommodations as they are determined by the IEP team of the particular child, and will be made on an individual student basis. Exemption from state and local health orders and CDC guidance will be used, as needed, to meet the needs of identified students. |
Section Two: Continuity of Services
Plan for Addressing Student Academic Needs:
See the “Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan,” on the school website at as this plan outlines the procedures and plan that will be used by the district to meet the academic needs and learning gaps of students, both to recover from the pandemic and school closures, and to meet the needs of students in general.
Plan for Addressing Student Social, Emotional, and Mental Health:
The “Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan” outlines the work being done in the school district to meet the social and emotional needs of students. Programs such as our social emotional learning class in the elementary and junior high school, BOTVIN life skills, and other programs are already established and have proven to meet the needs of our students both socially and emotionally.
The school district will continue to partner with local mental health professionals to provide services to those in need, in addition to the basic Tier One level support for all students.
Plan for Addressing Staff Social, Emotional, and Mental Health:
For any school staff member who needs support, counselors in each building are available to offer them support. If extensive counseling is needed, a referral can be made for them to an outside agency.
Staff recognition programs are in place in the district to motivate and recognize the hard work of all staff members throughout the school year.
Food Service Plan for Remote Learning/School Closures:
If school is forced to close due to the pandemic, plans are already established for the continuity of food service for students.
In cases of intermittent remote learning, the school cafeteria can provide lunches to those students who are learning remotely for part of the time and learning in-person on other days.
During times of full closures, a plan is established to provide meal delivery, via district buses, to students who request meals. This program was implemented from March until May of the 2019-2020 school year, and in January of the 2020-2021 school year, and can be re-established immediately, if needed.
The school district also partners with local organizations such as the Steven Hunter Power Pack (weekend meals) program, and Community Action Organization for evening meals for students throughout the school year, no matter the learning format.
Section Three: Plan Review and Revisions
Projected Review Date | Actual Date | Revision/Notes |
August 2021 | ||
December 2021 | ||
June 2022 | ||
December 2022 | ||
June 2023 | ||
December 2023 |
Section Four: Description of Public Input Opportunities
*The method of obtaining input is still to be established.
Projected Date | Actual Date | Revision/Notes |
May 2022 | ||
December 2022 | ||
May 2023 |
School District Contact:
Marc Kreischer, Superintendent
Office Phone: (740) 778-2281