Fantasy Academics
"Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
(John C. Maxwell)
Fantasy Academics, also known as academic teams, is an advisor/advisee program developed to create relationships among students, staff, and administration while also introducing discussion topics/lessons not addressed in the state’s mandated curriculum. Every student in grades 9-12 is drafted by a staff member or administrator to be on his/her team. The staff members and administrators take the extra step to guide his/her team in the appropriate direction throughout the year. The students have the opportunity to meet with their advisors everyday to discuss topics, check grades, and/or build relationships through various team-building activities. During the year, the teams also compete through academic results and various team activities. With this program in place, every student has that one extra person inside the school to hold them accountable and help ensure his/her success. This program is just another way for South Webster to continue the tradition of "doing what is best for kids."
The vision of this program is to create time to build relationships with staff and students to address any important issues not in our content curriculum, so that we are going above and beyond to make a difference in each and every child's life.