Good morning Jeep Nation and HAPPY FRIDAY! It has been a great week here at the schools. Our students are working hard. The weather has been phenomenal for February. Talking about that it is supposed to be nice this weekend and the weather is looking like it is going to cooperate. On that note just a reminder there is no school on Monday for students or staff in observation of Presidents Day. We hope you enjoy that day off and enjoy the beautiful weather.
We updated our website today to reflect the new Honor Roll postings. You will find them listed on our website under each school. We are also no longer updating our old website. The only website that we will be updating is from now on.
Don’t forget to download our new App. News, Lunch Menu, Sports Scores, School Closing Notifications and so much more. It’s free, it’s a very small download, and you keep up to date on all of the news.
All-County Band Rehearsal 1 is being held at Wheelersburg High School at 6:00 p.m. on Feb. 20th. Students involved in that need to remember their instrument and music for Monday.
Boys and Girls Sectional Tickets are on sale in the office for $5.00. Girls are playing Western at Northwest tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. Good luck to our Lady Jeeps.
We think that wraps up our week Jeep Nation. We know that usually we do not post a week ending post, but it has been a particularly busy week here and there is so much going on. We hope you have a great long weekend and as always…GO JEEPS!