Good morning Jeep Nation. We hope you had a great weekend. The Scioto County Honors Music Festival auditions were this weekend. We will have the list of those who were selected to represent us later this week, but we wanted to start off the week with a shoutout!
Upcoming Events:
February 13th-Waiver Day/PT Conferences
February 14th-No School in Lieu of Conferences
February 17th-No School-Presidents’ Day
March 14th-End of 3rd 9 Weeks
Sports for the Week of January 27th:
Monday-*HS Girls vs. Minford, JH Boys @ Minford, JH Girls vs. Minford
Tuesday-HS Boys @ West
Wednesday-*HS Girls vs. Jackson
Thursday-*HS Girls vs. Waverly
Friday-HS Boys @ Minford
Saturday-HS Boys@ Notre Dame
*Denotes Streaming on Our Youtube Channel
Have a great week Jeep Nation…GO JEEPS!