Good morning Jeep Nation. We are back and we hope that you had a great weekend and are ready to start your week.


Tech Team 1 is bringing you the news. You can find their latest video here: 

Don’t forget about Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten registration. You can find all of the info here: Screening Days will be April 21st and 22nd.


Upcoming Events:

April 2nd-ACT @ SWHS

April 15th-18th-No School-Easter Break

April 24th-HS Spring Concert

April 29th-Prom


Sports for the week of March 28th:

March 28th-Baseball/Softball @ West (5 p.m.)

March 29th-Baseball/Softball @ Wellston (5 p.m.), HS Track @ Jackson-5 p.m.

March 30th-Baseball/Softball vs. Wheelersburg (5 p.m.)

March 31st-No Sports

April 1st-Baseball/Softball vs. Valley (5 p.m.), HS Track @ Jackson Invitational-4:30 p.m.


That’s all we have for now Jeep Nation. Have a great week and as always...GO JEEPS!