Good morning Jeep Nation. We are back. We hope you had a great weekend and are ready to start your week. Let’s get started.

Congratulations to Marley Kreischer for making it to the Regional XC Meet this weekend in Pickerington. Good luck Marley!

There will be no AFTERNOON AE this week on October 26th or next week on October 31st.


Events This Week: 

October 27th-Waiver Day/PT Conferences, Steven Hunter Hope Fund Silent Auction

October 28th-No School in Lieu of Conferences


There will be a 6th Grade Beginning Band meeting in Mr. Davis’ room in the elementary starting at 5:30 p.m. during P/T Conferences. Mr. Donini and Mr. Davis will be there to talk about beginning band, band instrument rentals and how beginning band will work.


Upcoming Events:

November 23rd-25th Thanksgiving Break


Sports for the week of October 10th:

Monday-No Sports

Tuesday-Volleyball vs. West @ Eastern-6 p.m. (Tournament)

Wednesday-Soccer vs. Minford @ Piketon-6 p.m. (Tournament)

Thursday-No Sports

Friday-No Sports

Saturday-XC Regional Meet @ Pickerington


*Denotes Game Streamed on our YouTube Channel


That’s all we have for now Jeep Nation. Have a great week and as always...GO JEEPS!