Good morning Jeep Nation. We are back. We hope you had a great weekend and are ready to start your week. Let’s get started.


Academic Enrichment will resume on January 9th.


Upcoming Events:


December 15th-3rd/4th Grade Christmas Program-6:30 p.m.

December 15th-High School Music Department Christmas Concert-7:30 p.m.

December 20th-End of 2nd 9 Weeks/2 Hour Early Dismissal


Reminder: Mrs. Ashley sent us the form for 10th grade students interested in the CTC for next year. The form can be found here: If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Ashley in the guidance office.


Sports for the Week:


December 12th-HS and JH Girls @ Northwest, *JH Boys vs. Northwest

December 13th-HS Boys @ Valley

December 14th-HS Girls @ Jackson, *JH Boys vs. Oak Hill

December 16th-*HS Boys vs. Waverly

December 17th-*HS Girls vs. Rock Hill (2 p.m.), *HS Boys vs. Chesapeake(4 p.m.)


*Denotes Game Streamed on our YouTube Channel


That’s all we have for now Jeep Nation. Have a great week and as always...GO JEEPS!